I have posted shamefully few pictures of Lauren on this blog. Here are some recent ones. She is settling in a little bit since my last update. She usually only fusses when she's tired or hungry. She's a great eater, so the hunger problem is easy to solve. As for her being tired, she's in the wonderful stage of being able to fall asleep both on her own in her bed or while she's being held. On the days we are home she falls into an easy schedule, eating, sleeping and otherwise being content for most of the day. She usually gets up once at night to eat, although last night she slept from 10pm-7am without waking up to eat! .......... My goodness! If you don't happen to be Lauren's grandmother, this will be incredibly boring to read!! I'll spare the reader who has suffered through this blog post so far many more details. I will just say how much I am enjoying this wonderful time in our daughter's life.

Lauren is smiling now. It's delightful! She isn't stingy with her smiles, so she charms everyone around. Her favorite thing to see is a smiling face. She often isn't content to just be held anymore. She wants to see the face of whoever is holding her and she would like you to look directly in her eyes for a long, long time, thank you very much!

Lauren's 2 month picture