We survived our first sleepover! For months Corban has had his heart set on a sleepover for his birthday party. It sounded like a good idea, so we went with it. We had a pizza dinner (Corban's request), a cookie cake dessert (Corban's request), a water balloon fight and an epic soccer game - Jack, Corban and Annie vs. Jakin, Finn and Josiah. (Annie put those big boys in their place!) Then the boys settled in to watch Star Wars - another first for our boys. And although Jakin woke me up at 11:30 pm to ask if they could watch another movie (No.), I can confirm the boys were all asleep by 1:30 when I checked on them. Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. It's a wrap. I think Corban had a good birthday.
Corban is a great kid, even though he can be a tough nut to crack sometimes. He will be the one to hang in and help Jack with a project long after Jakin has gone off to play. Corban usually ends up playing with bigger boys, but he can hang. He has a wonderful imagination. But, he also has what my parents' North Carolina friends describe as "A little of the devil" in him. Here's an example: We've been reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy to Corban this summer. Tonight we came to the part when Father gives Almanzo a half dollar and tells him he could buy a sucking pig with the money, which he could raise to have a litter of pigs worth four or five dollars a piece, or he could spend the money on lemonade to drink. We asked the boys what they would do. Jakin, predictably, said he would buy the pig. Corban thought for a minute, smiled and answered, (also predictably) that he would buy the lemonade.

Watching Star Wars

Corban designed the cake. (Doesn't Annie look like she's enduring all of these boys?)

Corban's birthday is always around strawberry picking time. I made some chocolate covered strawberries for a birthday treat.