It's been a whole year already! Our baby is one. It was a happy day, but our "celebrations" were subdued. We just saw all of our family for Christmas and, well, let's face it, Lauren is one. She won't remember anything we did or did not do for her first birthday. The following pictures show the chronology of the day.
Lauren loves to visit "Da" in his office.

I made "birthday scones" for breakfast.

Taking calls from well-wishers during breakfast

Since we weren't planning a party, I took some of the birthday scones to the nursery where Lauren spends her time when I'm in Bible study every Tuesday morning. All of her "friends" were there. They ate scones, we sung "Happy Birthday" and I took pictures. And that was her party!

Much of Lauren's day was spent tagging along to her siblings activities. Such is the life of a fourth-born child. Tuesday is cross-country ski day. On this day, Andy Newell was at Prospect Mountain. Who's that? At age 3, he started skiing at Prospect in the same league in which our kids ski. And now he will be competing in the Vancouver Olympics in a few weeks in the sprint ski races. He was kind enough to sign autographs and talk with the kids about his training and about the Olympics. And then after that, the poor guy was hounded by women trying to take gratuitous pictures of him with her children. Bu bu bu but, it was Lauren's birthday..... maybe she will be an Olympic skier someday and we will be able to trace her inspiration back to this very day and her time with Andy Newell..... I
had to take the picture....

Lauren has 3 adoring siblings. All wearing polypropelene.

And a pair of doting parents

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

What do you get a one-year old one month after Christmas? We bought her a toothbrush.

After waffles for dinner (I tried to make something she likes), we had chocolate eclair cake for dessert. Lauren was, by far, our messiest first birthday cake eater. I know this picture doesn't make it seem so bad. I think our other three were just really neat. Lauren dug in and heartily enjoyed the treat of a big piece of cake on her tray.

It was a good day. We love you, Lauren!