Lauren is a funny girl. This age is so fun! Lauren's personality is developing - our little 10-lb peanut is a bully, of all things! If Annie or any other similarly smallish child crosses Lauren's will, she pushes them. It's true. She knows what she wants and she's not going to let anyone stand in the way. sigh.
On a happier note, Lauren sole method of transportation is her feet. She still walks like a drunken sailor, unsteady and falling often. But, she gets back up and cruises again. This mobility makes her happy. She's happy to tour around destroying our house. I spend much of my day following her around and cleaning up. The older three also know very well Lauren's favorite spots in the house as her siblings are often called upon to help in the clean up. Lauren loves her brothers and sister and they make her laugh. What a blessing to grow up with 3 older siblings. There is always something going on.
I keep Annie's hair accessories in the bathroom drawer. It's one of Lauren's favorite spots. She pulls all the stuff out of the drawer. But, she also puts all the headbands over her head. She does it everyday - multiple times - and I think it's funny every time.

It's been so nice to be outside lately! And so nice that Lauren can walk and explore for herself. She tolerates the swing for a while, then she's ready to move on to other things.

Despite her small frame, Lauren has a huge belly. Lauren's cousin Emma is checking out the belly.

We traveled to Ohio for Easter. 14-month old toddlers don't always appreciate 9-hour van trips. Lauren did OK. We just kept feeding her.

Another picture with the headbands... oh, and necklaces. She puts those on, too. And she thinks she's pretty fancy when she does that.