Ok, so it's two months after Lauren's second birthday. I'm catching up, so I'll start there. At two, Lauren can say anything she wants to say. Communication is so fun at this stage. For example, she calls syrup "beebeeyaba". I know exactly what she's talking about and it's so cute that I never correct her. She loves to go "byebye" - a couple days at home starts to drive her nuts. She doesn't eat fruits, vegetables, or anything else she's never tried before. Potty training has begun, but no serious progress yet. Biased we are, but she's impossibly cute. As Jack says, "She's living a dangerous life!"
If you have an older sister, you have a built-in dress up buddy.

Waking up from a nap with Daddy

We got Lauren a swing for her birthday. Jack hung it up in the basement for the winter. Lauren loved it and kept saying, "Ike it swing!" (which translates as "I like the swing!").

Posing with birthday gifts