Everybody loves our sweet happy boy. Aidan is so jolly and social with everyone and he makes friends wherever he goes. People are delighted with his quick smile. Such a precious boy.
At five months he's starting to hold on to toys and to be serious about getting them in his mouth. I wouldn't mind if he slept a little bit more during the day, but he does well at night so I really can't complain. He loves to be with his older siblings. And he's starting to eat some big people food - he's a fan of sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and bananas.
So happy and excited for Halloween!

Because Aidan is drooling so much, I dug around for some bibs. I found my sister Allison's old "A" bib that my mom had given me when Annie was born. It's too girly of course for Aidan, but it does the job for a while. Jack turned the bib around to give Aidan a Super Aidan cape.

I'm sorry that you're wearing lace, Aidan.

All dressed up for church in his cousin Ethan's old outfit