Rather than succumb to the guilt of being "behind" on blog updates, I'll just pick up with what is happening now in our house and in our family. There may be a time when I have a chance to catch up on Christmas pictures and Aidan pictures (he's 7 months old! and crawling!), but if not it will be OK. So here's the update for now.
Our hardwood floors were sanded and finished throughout the downstairs while we were traveling for Christmas. They're beautiful. As Jack and I walk around the house these days, our heads are down just looking at the floors. And we've gotten a lot of mileage out of slippery floors - the kids are coming up with all kinds of slide-on-the-floor kind of games.
We're also in the middle of having all of the downstairs walls painted. What a difference that makes along with the hardwood floors. This looks like a totally different house. Painting will get finished up this week and then it's on to the kitchen!
Before we put everything back into the school room last night, the girls had a lovely dance studio. I
love the color in this room, so warm and fun.

And these next two pictures are from this morning. The color, the floors, the sun coming in.... love love love.