Our big girl turned six last week. Six is getting to be grown up... kind of. Having two younger siblings means that Annie has a lot of responsibilities. But six is still a little girl. She still sits on our laps to listen to books (as long as our laps aren't being occupied by one of those younger siblings). She still plays dress up and dolls (well, with her American Girl doll). And she still wants to tell us every little thing about every little thing. It's a great age. And we love our little/big girl.
One very special gift Annie received was this homemade "Little House" dress and bonnet from Grammy. Lauren had already received her bonnet, but she opened her dress on Annie's birthday, too. Aren't the dresses beautiful? And aren't the girls irresistibly cute in them? So thought everyone at the coffee shop on the day of Annie's birthday. Grandma was visiting and took the four big kids to the coffee shop as a special outing on Annie's birthday. The girls wore their dresses and bonnets and made quite a sensation, I'm told.
Practicing their cursties

The girls were calling each other "Laura" and "Carrie" after a while. In fact, "Carrie" was yelling at "Laura" to open the door for her so that she could go outside. hmmmmm

I've already mentioned the little girl/big girl paradox. We also have the girly stuff/boy stuff mix going on in this house. Annie has two older brothers who have daggers that Grandpa made for them, so naturally, Annie wanted a dagger, too. Grandpa made hers a little bit more dainty and feminine, but it is still a dagger. I think Grammy was giggling to herself as she wrapped up a dress and a dagger for her sweet granddaughter's birthday!

It was so nice to have Grandma here to celebrate with us!

One of Grandma and Grandpa's gifts to Annie was a scooter. Green. Her (current) favorite color. Annie was very excited. And I think Corban may be breathing a sigh of relief that he won't have to share his scooter quite so often.

Annie's American Girl doll "Mary" (or "Catherine" as Annie has informed us of her new name) got a new outfit for Annie's birthday. Annie has been saying that Mary needed an Easter dress. whew. Now she has one!

New beach towel

One of our gifts to Annie was a fairy drawing kit. She can trace different parts of a fairy onto tracing paper. I was pretty sure Annie would like the gift, but I had no idea how much her older brothers would like it. Seriously. They ALL played with this gift for at least an hour on Annie's birthday. You know a gift is a hit when the older brothers of the six-year old girl have as much fun with the gift as the girl herself.