Lauren is blossoming into a joyful, vibrant member of our family! Now that she can crawl where she wants to go and she can play with toys and books along the way, she is generally a happy girl. She always has huge smiles for every member of our family. Its sweet to see how truly happy she is to see each of us. Much of her time each day is spent playing with her brothers and sister. While she is certainly more content, she is also more troublesome! Troublesome in an endearing sort of way, of course. I'm starting to find her on the first step of the steps going upstairs. It won't be long before she sets her sights higher forcing us to adjust and set up the gate. I also found her sprawled across a chair yesterday in her attempt to get to the plant on the other side. If her goal was to eat the dirt in the plant, she was successful. I found her with a mouthful. I've always called Corban "My Little Monkey". I think Lauren has some of those same primate tendencies. I anticipate needing to watch her closely.

She keeps crawling into this little spot. She gets stuck every time. I keep waiting for her to learn her lesson and avoid this spot.

Trouble trouble trouble....
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