"Going to the property" means many things: the excitement of seeing the house change and progress daily, the fun of seeing Jack at work, the joy of being outside in beautiful place. It also means "Time To Get Dirty". Big piles of rock and dirt are a wonderland for my kids and their friends, an irresistible playground. Dirty kids with dirty clothes are inevitable. So when my washer broke it was less than ideal timing! The kids were instructed to wear the same clothes to the property every time they went. We made it - nine days without a washer - but since being delivered three days ago, the washer has seen almost constant use.
Dirty butts

Annie and her friend Talia on top of a dirt and rock pile

end of week 1: pouring the footings as the kids look on

Grammy says she wants pictures of the kids. Grampa says he wants pictures of the house. Pictures of the kids AND the house will make them both happy!

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