My wonderful friend Julie is amazing. She is tireless in her efforts to do fun things with her kids and she often generously includes my kids in the activities she plans. Making gingerbread houses from scratch is a colossal and time-consuming endeavor, but Julies makes it happen every year. When our children were decorating their houses last year before Christmas, one of the kids suggested doing Narnia this year. Julie made it happen. Her daughter designed Cair Paravel. Jakin designed the wardrobe and Julie designed the sledge. All the kids had different decorating assignments. They then added the lamp post, the four children, the White Witch, and Aslan on the broken stone table. I wish I had pictures that included the artists, but I didn't have my camera with me on the day we decorated (forgot it!). You'll have to imagine their smiling, proud faces surrounding their excellent work.

Corban decorated the wardrobe. He was so thoughtful and careful, sitting at the table for a good 45 minutes after the other kids had abandoned it to go play.

Cair Paravel
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