As I was planning and preparing for school, I noticed an idea suggesting kids make a "store" for their siblings, "selling" things they had around the house. Mentioning it my kids was all they needed to get to work. Corban had, as he always does, his own very specific ideas about the making of a cash register - a plan which he executed before breakfast one morning. By the time Annie and Jakin woke up, Corban was neatly already stacking (fake) money into the cash box. Then Corban and Jakin secretly gathered and priced treasures from around the house.

Corban's face makes it look like this was an assignment that he was being forced to do. That wasn't the case at all. He was very excited, I think he just wasn't excited about having his picture taken.

In Corban's store, the pricest items included the gun at 100$ and 10 cents and the
two rings in the box for 300$ and 21 cents - Annie had to shell out major money for those rings. (I chose
not to correct the labeling for the money.... :)

Annie and Jakin stop in Corban's store
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