Aidan is (thankfully) a delightful and pleasant baby. I have had a few fussers, so I can truly appreciate the peace of a content baby. He sleeps a lot - at night and during the day. He eats and poops and otherwise does all of the things he is supposed to do. When he does get a little bit fussy, some time sucking on his pacifier will usually calm him down. In addition to his chill personality, I'm sure that Jack and I have learned a few things about parenting in these past 10 years and 4 other children. Experience helps.
It's a good thing Aidan is so (relatively) easy, because there are still 4 other kids running around this house - and one of them is 2 and not yet potty-trained. sigh. When my came to visit for a week, I said that if she could just take care of Lauren for the week, she would be covering half of my work load . She was a tremendous help; so much so that I wondered how I would do it all when she left. We are figuring it out though. Help from friends who have brought meals and have taken a few of the older kids to give them some fun (and to give me a break) has been a wonderful blessing.
Again, from experience I know that this newborn time will fly by. So, I'm just trying to savor and enjoy these good days.
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