On Thursday, the kids painted their "pottery" and were on to mosaics.

Even Nate and Lauren got to join in the fun

Then, today, our final day of Greek Week, was a Greek Feast and Greek Olympics. This is the day the kids were most looking forward to for the week. Each of them chose a Greek god to dress up as for the feast.
Jakin is Hephaestus, god of fire. He made the hammer in his Dad's shop.
Corban made his own trident for his Poseidon costume.
We all thought Lauren would be a good Hera - she's kind of already bossy and angry and screams a lot.
Annie was Athena. Not to be outdone by her brothers, Annie also made her own spear.
My friend Julie pulled together everything for the crafts. I took care of food for the feast. On the menu: hummus with pita chips and veggies, Greek pilaf (from the Moosewood cookbook), lentils, Greek pizza, salmon (broiled with a nice crust by Jack), salad, and yogurt and honey on the side. Oh, and white grape juice to drink.
Rounding out the crew on Mount Olympus: Brandi as Artemis, Lainey as Persephone, and Nate as Ares. Aidan was supposed to be Hermes, but I never had time to get him dressed up. He didn't mind.

This one is just too cute not to include.

Posing with their finished crafts for the week. After dinner, we headed to the gym for some games, Olympic-style. A week well-spent, I think.

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