Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turning the corner

Lauren is almost a year old and she is finally "turning the corner". What does that mean? Well, for example, I think I can finally say that she is sleeping through the night. Although it isn't really that big of a deal to get up to feed a baby at least once a night for almost a year, it is oh, so much nicer to put said baby in her bed at 8 and not see her face, lovely as it is, until 7 the next morning. That's right, not only is she sleeping through the night, but she's sleeping in! Sort of. I'm thrilled and rested and planning how I can spend these new found hours in my week.

Lauren is also old enough (we think) for the one-year old milestones like moving from the rear-facing car seat to the front facing and drinking milk from a cup. Exciting stuff.

She isn't walking. She's not even interested in walking. But she is very mobile and I have the trail of destruction in my house daily to prove it.

I think one of my favorites things about Lauren right now is how excited she is to see Jakin, Corban and Annie. She giggles and tries to jump out of my arms when she sees them. We are blessed.

Lauren is modeling her new dress from Grammy. She was interested enough in the camera that when I let go of her, she actually stood for two seconds before letting herself down and crawling for the camera.

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