Our friendship with the Tim and Christa Loescher dates back to 2001 when we packed up our 4-week old Jakin en route to staff our first Navigator summer training program in Colorado Springs. That summer, as Jack and Tim worked grounds crew and Christa and I mommied together, a friendship was forged. We moved to New England in large part to be near Tim and Christa. Our two families lived under the same roof (Loescher's) when we staffed our next training program in Burlington, Vermont in 2004. By then there were four kids. And now, although we have moved on from Navigator staff, the Loeschers are still among our very dearest friends.
They came to visit this weekend. It was a wonderful, amazingly restful weekend. Even though it rained much of the day on Saturday, Jakin and Peter played soccer outside for about five hours. Corban, Elise, Teddy and Annie all paired off in different combinations throughout the day and Lauren was remarkably pleasant. Because the kids were happy to be together all day and because Christa brought dinner, the adults had time to just sit and read and talk and rest and laugh. I can't remember when I've had such a relaxing day. It was such a good time.
Summer 04 on the gondola at Mount Mansfield in Stowe, VT

Fall 09 - Now there are 7 kids!

Peter was Jakin's first friend and although he rarely sees Peter, Jakin considers him one of his best friends. I wish I had a digital picture of the two of them together in 2001.

In all the years of our friendship, I think this is the first picture of both of our families together.