Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lauren at 5 months

So many new things for Lauren this month! Bananas, carrots and sweet potatoes for starters. I diligently started Lauren on plain cereal recently - an event she greeted with some initial enthusiasm. She quickly lost interest. Then, I mixed in some sweet potatoes. Now that was something to get excited about! She actually dives for her food now. There's no going back! There's a whole new world of mooshed up food to explore!

Lauren is also very mobile now. She rolls back to front and back again all the time. She actually needs space to play. She works to get a toy. She sits up for brief spells. She loves her Mama. There are few things better in life than to see a 5-month old light up at the sight of me. She's a joy. If we can just work out the kinks in sleeping (she doesn't like it), it will be smooth sailing.

I absolutely love this stage of babyhood - the grabbing the toes stage. It's even better when they eat their toes.

She's a good eater, but not a neat eater.

And then there's Daddy.... Lauren was very interested in her Daddy's ice cream cone. Leave it to him to actually let her have a taste of it.

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