Friday, April 2, 2010

March update

March has flown by. I have grand aspirations of detailed blog posts complete with lots of pictures which give just the right kind of summary of our month. We had lots of visitors - Jack's parents for a week, mine for a visit at the end of the month and sandwiched in between those visits was a visit from my sister-in-law, Becky, who descended upon our humble abode with a friend of hers and 4 young children under the age of 4 1/2 (yes, that made 8 kids in our house). All of our guests were very welcome and all of our visits were great. Some were just louder than others.

In this month we also celebrated Annie's 4th birthday. With all of those visitors, her birthday went on and on and on.... pictures (hopefully) to follow. And Jack and I celebrated our 11th anniversary.

We also filled out our 2010 census. It was just the two of us when we filled completed the 2000 census. With the birth of our fourth child, I needed to go into the bonus space on this census form. I guess you could also say its been a busy decade.

Its rather late at night and I should be getting to sleep. If my ambitious plans to document the month fall through because I fall asleep, I will at least share one of my favorite pictures from the month. Corban is almost 7, but he still loves his blankey and monkey. He takes them to bed with him every night and brings them downstairs with him every morning. On the mornings of my mom's visit, Corban spent a few minutes snuggling on her lap as he woke up and got ready to face the new day. I think Granma was very happy to sit a moment with the Corban boy. Very special.

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