Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why "Stone Soup"?

Ok, here's the story.... there is a children's story called Stone Soup. I don't know who originally wrote it, there seem to be many versions. My favorite version is Jim Weiss's audio version; it even has lyrics! Anyway, in the story there is a group of hungry soldiers who march into a peasant town. Everyone shies away from giving them food. The leader of the group begins making a batch of stone soup. He starts with water and a stone. After cooking the "soup" for a while, he tastes it and says in a voice loud enough for all of the hiding, but curious onlookers to hear, that all the soup needs to be perfect is an onion. One villager offers an onion. Then all he needs is some carrots. One villager offers carrots. And so on, until the villagers have all given something and the soup does actually become real and excellent soup. I know that naming my blog "Stone Soup" was a little weird, but I liked that idea of many individual parts coming together to make a fantastic whole. Kind of like a family. It just stuck with me. And I was pretty sure that the name "The Miller Family" would not be available.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the story - it makes much more sense. I was wondering if that was your new crop & recipe from the co-op farm. :) Seems as if I remember the story from long ago - library hour for one of kids.
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

I love it! What a great story, and I'm so glad to be able to keep up to date with your family.