Sunday, May 27, 2012

Almost 1

Our little man will be celebrating his first birthday soon.  Aidan saw all of his grandparents a few weeks ago.  I'm so glad they will all see him again soon because he has grown and changed so much in the past weeks.  He can stand unassisted, play peek-a-boo, play with balls (actually throwing them back and forth with someone), and even do a few signs ("more" and "all done").

One thing that has not changed is his obsession with my hair.  When I pick Aidan up, his immediate and instinctive response is to grab on to my hair.  It's like a little security blanket for him. 

Holding on with two hands.  "Noooooo, mama!  Please don't put me down!"

Aidan has been enjoying all of the new opportunities to be outside now that the weather is getting warmer.

 I still haven't gotten a good picture of Aidan standing unassisted.  For the past two weeks or so, he is getting himself into a standing position many times every day.  He's still not interested in walking, but this new standing trick makes him happy.

We haven't given Aidan many sweets in his short life.  I made scones last weekend and Aidan discovered them.  He liked them.  Really really liked them.  In this picture he is begging for another bite from Corban.

Got it!


Another new development in Aidan's life is his new-found love for balls.  He says, "Baaawww" when he sees a ball.  Then he does his sweet little one knee, one foot crawl to get to the ball, picks it up, and throws it.  Over and over and over.  He's very happy when someone will sit with him and throw a ball back and forth. 

He loves this spot.  I'm often in the kitchen.  So this pantry play space is close to Mom and has lots of cans and bowls and things to pull down and make messes and noise.  And every time Aidan pulls everything down, someone comes along and puts it all back where it goes, so he is compelled to come back and put it all back on the floor again.

Aidan's fingers got greasy the other night while he was eating.  The fingers went to the hair, so the hair was greasy.  Greasy hair makes for an easy mohawk.

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