Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mr. Big One-Year Old

Warning!  This post is heavy on the Aidan pictures.... My littlest is a year old!  There go those years marching along again.  This has sort of been Aidan's "birthday weekend".  Jakin was gone all day on Aidan's actual birthday, so we didn't celebrate then.  We had cake tonight, but it got a bit late for presents.  Rather than hurrying through the presents tonight, Jack and I decided to postpone that piece until tomorrow morning when we can be more relaxed.  I'm tempted to lament, "Poor Aidan...." but there really isn't anything disagreeable about any of this, or in his life in general.  He's one!  He doesn't care when he opens presents!  The following are some birthday pictures and some random recent pictures.

Greasy hair after eating noodles

Up until very recently, I inspected every bite of popcorn I gave to Aidan.  I would bite around it and make sure that he was only getting soft, popped corn.  Not having patience for such nonsense, Jack just lets Aidan grab whole handfuls from the bowl.  Aidan and Jack are perfectly happy with that arrangement.

We never had a mudroom sink (or even a mudroom!) for any of our other kids.  Now that the kids are getting dirty outside, I'm definitely taking advantage of this sink for feet, bum, or even whole body washings at the end of the day.

This is how we started Aidan's birthday - singing "Happy Birthday" to him in his bed.  He was pleasantly surprised to see all of us coming in to wake him up.

"So big!"

He also likes pretzels :)
 Finally opening two packages that had come in the mail earlier in the week

A gift from my aunt and uncle

Helping Daddy install drawer fronts.  Shims are placed for Aidan to pull out, right?

Chocolate pudding cake!

What a wonderful blessing Aidan's four siblings are in his life

We haven't given Aidan many sweets in his first year of life.  He was very happy about having the opportunity to eat this cake.  He cleared his tray, licked his hands, and then asked for more.

It's been a good day!  Presents in the morning.  We're so grateful for our little man!

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