Saturday, March 31, 2012

The chicks' new digs

We're two weeks and two days into our chick venture. The kids are enjoying them. Jakin and Corban have morning and evening chick chores and I'm very glad about that. I'm still not feeling any warm and fuzzy chicken feelings. Perhaps some of my hesitance is because these chicks and their need for more permanent housing stand between me and my kitchen. Time spent building a coop isn't the same thing as time spent building kitchen drawers! But it's all good. Jack is working so hard all the time. The kitchen will come.

This temporary wooden box more than doubled the chicks' square footage. However, they can already flap their wings and get to the top of the box.

When we got the chicks, I told myself that I would pick one up every day. I knew that they would get more difficult to catch, so I wanted to keep up with them. I haven't picked one up in at least a week. They're fast and flighty and I think I would have a tough time trying to corral one of them to pick up. The kids can still do it, but it's getting more difficult for them, too. So far, Jack has led the way in overseeing chicken care. I think that task should eventually fall under my job description. I need to start my chicken care education!

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