Tuesday, February 17, 2009

24 Hours

Here's a brief little snapshot of life in the Miller house over the last 24 hours...

10 pm Started getting myself and Lauren ready for bed
11 pm Lights out
1 am Lauren awake to eat. She has a cold (at only 3 weeks!) and was having trouble breathing in her bed.
2:30 am Lauren awake and eats again.
3:30 am I enlist Jack's help when Lauren wakes up again. He holds her in our bed for about 30 minutes before he takes matters into his own hands in order to help both us and noisy, snotty girl sleep. He brought the humidifier into our room and propped up Lauren's bed so her head would be higher than her feet.
4:30 am Lauren is awake again to eat.
6 am Lauren is awake again for the morning.
7 am Annie sleeps in and wakes up for the day.
8 am I wake up the sleepy head boys for the day.
9 am Corban is disciplined for wiping snot on his sister. Finger goes to his nose. Finger goes directly to Annie's shirt. Yes, it was intentional. And yes, it was difficult not to laugh even as put on my best stern face.
10 am School was unusually pleasant with Corban.
12:30 pm Lunch. I even managed to make grilled cheese.
2 pm Annie down for a nap.
2:45 pm The boys leave for cross country skiing.
3:15 pm Lauren down for a nap. I head for the couch for my own nap.
3:16 pm Lauren squawks. I panic.
3:18 pm Lauren is quiet....
4:45 pm Annie wakes up. Yay! Operation Get a Nap is succesful.

Ok, the rest of the day wasn't too eventful. Mostly I wanted to share that we had a hard night and that Corban shared his.... well, snot. Hopefully, Lauren is better able to sleep tonight.... for everyone's sake.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'm so glad to have a friend around the corner that is bleary eyed in the middle of the night too. There is comfort in truly empathizing with another mama friend.